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Every real estate agent needs to understand the importance of closing techniques to enhance his or her chances of making that sale. Your closing script lines must identify your client’s needs while also demonstrating how the home is the right home for them. To develop strong closing script lines that can solidify the deal and grow your business, follow these tips:



1. Opinion Isn’t Fact

Start a question off with the phrase, “In your opinion…” as this provides you with the opportunity to soften the reply if they have an objection. For example,

“In your opinion, is this a home you can see your family growing up in?”

If the client answers no, it’s an opinion and not a fact. You can then find out the reasons behind the response, and address any concerns they may have. By doing this, you are able to showcase whether this home is a viable solution for their current needs in a friendly way.



2. Trial Closing Scripts

When your client is headed toward a sale, use a trial closing script to measure their level of interest and address any concerns accordingly. Ask a question such as:

“Does this home seem like the kind of solution you are looking for?”

Their response provides you with the opportunity to explore their reactions and solidify how it is the solution they need.



3. Did You Cover It?

Not all clients are going to vocalize why they think a particular home is not for them, and this is valuable information that allows you to redirect their thinking and finalize the sale. Ask your potential buyer:

“What haven’t I covered yet that is important to you?”

Their response will allow you to reevaluate your approach and place emphasis on the right elements of a home to meet their needs.



4. Direct Close

Taking the traditional route to closing a deal has its benefits, as long as you’re confident your client understands the value the home brings to their life and how it caters to their needs. Pose a direct question such as:

“So, [Name], are you ready to make this your new home?”

Questions like these are close-ended, and will be answered with a yes or no if you have provided your client with the confidence needed for the sale.

There are no magic words that are going to guarantee a sale, but these closing lines and questions can definitely increase your chances of having a valuable, meaningful, and persuasive conversation with your client. It’s important to always provide the opportunity to rectify a situation, address a concern, and demonstrate how this home is the perfect one for your client.



Proven Close No. 1: The “If” Close

If I can show you the perfect home that matches exactly what you are looking for today, would you be ready to make an offer on it?


If you said yes, make sure you set the appointment asap… because they are a hot lead!


The question above uses an approach known as an “If” close…


“If I can get you X, would you Y?”


It’s a great way to move your client toward the desired outcome.


It’s also a great way to illustrate the proven advantages you have over your competitors.


“If I can show you how we sell homes for 2.7% more money on average, would you be open to a 15-minute meeting?”


That “2.7% more money” statistic can be replaced by any measurable advantage you provide to your clients. That becomes your big promise.

When you convey that benefit to the consumer and the promise is strong enough, it becomes hard for them to say no.



Proven Close No. 2: The “Alternate Choice” Close

The other proven close I want to share with you today is the “alternate choice” close. It presents your client with two options, both of which lead them toward taking the next desired step.


When trying to get someone to commit to an appointment:

  • “Would mornings or afternoon work better for you?”

  • “Would weekdays or weekends work better for you?”

  • “Would 5:00 this evening or 10:00am on Saturday work better for you?”


This way, you’re giving them options to choose what they want.

The beauty of this approach is you can tailor it to any situation where you want to elicit action.


Here’s an example for approaching the end of a listing presentation and trying to close on price:

“Would you like to price your home to sell, or price it to sit? Which is better for you?”



Why Learn & Practice These Closes

When you truly embrace these two proven closes, it gives you the language you need to inspire action without resorting to a canned script. These two approaches can be adapted to any situation.


Keep these 3 keys in mind when using these closes:


  • Think about your client’s needs.

  • Reference your client’s important criteria to maximize effectiveness.

  • Tie in any advantages you offer.


The more you learn these techniques, the more natural they will become to you.




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